1. What is Physical Self Care?

Many people ask daily, “What is physical self-care? After researching it so I can share authentic information with you, I learned that physical self-care means taking care of your physical health by taking essential nutrition, doing exercise, and keeping yourself hydrated.

Aishah r.a. reported that the Prophet SAWW said:

“Verily, your own self has rights over you, so fast and break your fast, pray, and sleep.”
(Sunan Abi Dawud)

The Seven Essential Elements of What is Physical Self Care?

What is Physical Self Care?
  1. Physical Activities: Exercise regularly to maintain your fitness level. It will also keep you fresh and healthy. It can boost your mood as well. You can also walk in the fresh air, which will be very good for your lungs. You can also try new kinds of exercises.
  2. Nutrition: Eat a balanced diet to keep yourself healthy and support the functions of your body. There are five kinds of diets that we need to add to our routine for a healthy life. Keep yourself away from junk food. It’s just a taste on the tongue and not good for your health. You will get a lot of diseases because of the junk food.
  3. Sleep: Quality Sleep is an important element in your life to remove the toxins from your brain. We should sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours in a very peaceful place so we can start our day with a fresh mind. We should also take a nap for 10 to 20 minutes in the afternoon. Taking a nap in the afternoon will also keep us fresh, and we will not feel sleepy throughout the day.
  4. Hydration: Drink an ample amount of water to keep yourself hydrated. It is very good for our kidneys to drink a lot of water throughout the day. It also removes toxins from our bodies. We should drink 8 to 12 glasses of water a day. We should not drink a lot of water at night. Try to complete your cycle of water by 8:00 p.m.
  5. Medical care: If you feel down, don’t ignore it. Do routine check-ups. Sometimes we ignore our pain by thinking that we will feel okay after taking a nap or in the morning, but this is not good for our health. We should make our health our first priority because no one will stand up to take care of us. We have to take the steps ourselves.
  6. Rest and relaxation: Do the activities that bring you joy and take time for your relaxation. It is important to spend some time for yourselves and do the activities that bring you happiness. Try to make a schedule and give 30 minutes daily to the activities that you love to do. You can also read books, and you can also make this time a quality one by talking to Allah and telling Him all your problems.
  7. Hygiene: Hygiene is a very important part of physical self-care. Take regular baths and wash your hands frequently. Brush your teeth daily and trim your nails to keep yourself away from bacteria. Practicing good hygiene boosts your confidence too.

The above ones are the seven strategies for physical selfcare.

“It’s okay to take time for yourself. We give so much of ourselves to others, and we need to be fueled both physically and mentally. If we are in balance, it helps us in all our interactions.”

Faith Hill

“Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.

Princess Diana

Conclusion to What is Physical Self Care?

In conclusion, physical self-care is very important for our well-being. It brings habits that are good for our bodies. By practicing physical self-care, we bring meaning to our lives.


What are examples of physical self-care?

Examples of physical self-care are eating healthy food, sleeping well, staying hydrated, and walking.

Why is physical self-care important?

Physical self-care is important because it keeps you healthy. It has a positive impact on your life. It can heal you from pain and keep you safe from surgeries and many major diseases.

What are the three basic aspects of physical self-care?

1. Exercise
2. Basic Nutrients
3. Rest and sleep duration

What are five examples of physical health?

Physical selfcare examples are:
Eating healthy
Staying hydrated
Taking rest
Managing Stress
Maintaining a healthy weight

How do you promote physical self-care?

Practice Gratitude
Stay hydrated
Stay positive
Manage stress
Take basic nutrition
Keep yourself healthy.
Don’t ignore your pain.
Do exercise 
Walk daily 
Make sleep a priority.

How many types of selfcare?

There are many types of selfcare like selfcare as emotional, selfcare social, selfcare mental and selfcare physical.

Which types of self care important?

All types of self care are important. From physical self care to mental self care or social self care, we need to working towards goals to make our lives better.

Is physical activity self-care?

Yes, physical activity is self-care.




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